BREATHE. It's just a bad day, not a bad life!
Some days can be tough! We are all human and lets face it, not every day can be fine and dandy. I can 100% say that recently I have had quite a few days where all I have done is sighed at the world but I have found a few things that have gotten me back on track with being my smiley and sparkly self!
We do often forget that some of the smallest things can actually put a positive vibe on a bad day! Here are 20 things that I often do to help me when I am having a bad day.
1. Play upbeat, crazy, happy music really loud
2. Write! Grab a notebook and scribble away
3. Get dressed up for no reason
4. Watch a funny movie
5. Take a nap
6. Read a book
7. Take a bubble bath
8. Cuddle someone (Not a stranger! Maybe a friend or relative)
9. Have a cup of tea
10. Plan something to look forward to
11. Go for a walk
12. Buy some flowers and put them in a place you will constantly see them
13. Meet a friend or relative for lunch
14. Take a break from social media
15. Laugh ALOT!
16. Go to the gym or an exercise class
17. Bake a cake or cook something from scratch
18. Treat yourself! Buy those shoes you have wanted for a while!
19. Chat with someone, let off some steam
20. Reassure yourself that you are fantastic and tomorrow is a better day :)
What do you do when you are having a bad day? Let me know!